Posted in Portuguese

Enquanto Salazar Dormia…

I’m off reddit these days so I’ve gone feral and all my book reviews for the time being are going to be accompanied by the #uncorrectedportugueseklaxon This one is “Enquanto Salazar Dormia” by Domingos Amaral

Este livro é muito interessante. Já sabia, antes de ler, que Lisboa era um covil de espiões mas quanto mais o enredo desenrolou, mais achava que precisava de mais informações, portanto ouvi um outro audiolivro (em inglês) sobre esta época. Com este como pano de fundo, esta história tornou-se mais viva, com tantas referências à história verdadeira da segunda guerra mundial.

Há imensas cenas de sexo rebuscadas, e cada vez que uma mulher entra no âmbito da história, o narrador avalia o tamanho e a aparência dos seios dela o que se tornou irritante depois de algum tempo, mas apesar disso a história é divertida.

Vacilei entre 3 e quatro estrelas mas acabei por dar 3 porque o desenlace roubou tanta emoção dum filme alheio (o Casablanca, que também aparece na capa) e achei este truque um pouco preguiçoso.

Thanks to Cristina for the corrections

Posted in English

Lisbon by Neill Lochery

I’ve had the audiobook of Lisbon by Neill Lochery on my listening list for a while now and finally got around to it simply because I had started Enquanto Salazar Dormia by Domingos Amaral And wanted a little more background about wartime Lisbon to give me the context.

Lisbon - War in the Shadows of the City of Light, by Neill Lochery.

I learned a lot! I’d always known Portugal had a slightly odd place In World War 2 History: Salazar, as a fascist, was probably more inclined towards Hitler’s world view, but Portugal and Britain have been allies since way back. I also knew we hadn’t always been good allies (see this post about the portuguese national anthem starting life as a diss track about the treacherous land-stealing British empire).

What I hadn’t realised was how many different schemes and counter-schemes were swirling around the capital, or how delicate was the balance that kept the Iberian peninsula out of the war.

Nor had I any idea that part of Portugal’s reason for distrusting Britain was that Neville Chamberlain had offered Angola to Hitler as part of his appeasement negotiations. Or about the delicate situation regarding Wolfram (Tungsten) mining that was necessary for both sides’ war effirts. At one point, a network of SOE agents had recruiters portuguese sub-agents and poised then to blow up mining infrastructure and assassinate some key people in the event that Portugal was invaded by Spain at the behest of the nazis and there wasn’t a padeira around to hold them back.

It’s absolutely amazing. I love all that stuff.

Posted in English

Digital Nobhead

I quite enjoyed the roasting this digital nomad bro got after posting this rant about how old cities are old, and there’s a lack of sausages in Lisbon but at least they speak good English.

Posted in English

Urban Legends

I thought this graphic blog post by José Smith Vargas was really interesting. I can’t actually remember now where I heard about it – presumably in the blurb in the back of a printed magazine, but it was a few weeks ago now and my mind basically gets wiped every 3 days or so. I like to see cartoons, BDs, graphic novels, whatever you want to call them, being used to tell stories about people’s lives and environments in creative ways. This one has enough palavras desconhecidas in it that I thought I’d translate it into english for the learns.


A Square in the Centre of the City

Demolitions in the Mouraria to make way for Martim Moniz Plaza, 1946


With the urge toward progress and social cleansing, the Estado Novo [Salazar’s Dictatorship] demolished the lower part of the Mouraria neighbourhood

The urban regeneration of the city was working through the plan to link the airport to Rossio Square via an almost straight line… a continuous link.

One of the oldest neighbourhoods in Europe, and the Bohemian centre of the city of Lisbon was thus broken up, stone by stone.

…Which wasn’t interrupted by widespread confusion and difficulties affecting people’s quality of life in ways that were hard to control*


Simultaneously, the artists and poetic icons of the area were depicted in films and in respectable theatres, thus completing the santisation of urban culture.

4500 people left

The neighbourhood was reduced to an insalubrious hill, an open wound that would never heal.

The plans for the square were repeatedly frustrated for a wide variety* of motives

For more than 50 years, this hole was a cadaverous gap in the architectural continuity of the capital.


The Plaza of Martim Moniz was finally ready in 1997.

Having always been a zone of transition since the 70s, a flow of migration, largely from Africa and Asia established itself in the surrounding area to live and work

“Tell me, Shifat, are you still working for your cousin?”

“Yes, God help me!”

“International calls?”


“This place is impossible – it’s all blacks and asians**”

The square began to gain its own character in this context – a multiplication of communities using it and at the same time, becoming part of the landscape.


The local council installed a series of kiosks to try and revive the area but, not having achieved much success, the ended up being withdrawn.

Now that the area was less cluttered, the kids started skating, and playing cricket and football there.

And demonstrations took place there for the rights of immigrants, out of which grew the 1st of May Procession organised by the CGTP***

[Documents for Everyone]

And there were also processions for neighbourhood festivals, the procession of Our Lady of Health and the commemorations of the end of Ramadan

Life breaks out however it can and with whomever wants it. But for the local council, the square was still unfinished business


The neighbourhood of the Mouraria, which was still pretty run down, was an obstacle in the downtown area. With tourism on the rise, it was a no-go area.

“Where are we? I don’t feel good here”

In 2011, another enormous plan was put into action by the council using funds from a European program

“This is also a way to combat povery and social exclusion”

The streets were put in order and the construction companies and real estate agencies got to work.

The Plaza of Martim Moniz was a strategic point, essential for the execution of the plan. The Lisbon Public Works Agency, EPUL, tendered for a concession. NCS, a company linked to the entertainment industry was the only bidder.

“Since I was little I has a dream of a world hand-in-hand”

“I know that it’s a naive idea”

“At the time, I thought of being a volunteer in Africa or Asia but then I discovered this plaza that had been thrown out with the rubbish…”


“…and I understood that my calling was the Fusion Market” ****

The result would be to show the multicultural plaza to a younger audience, well disposed and with more money, attracted by the plan to regenerate the city.

The few kiosks that remain in the square were used as a streetfood zone

“This is like any commercial centre anywhere. You go and get some food and sit down here in the middle”

And at the weekends, there would be an arts and entertainment fair and the drinks would be laid on by NCS

NCS had a concession contract with EPUL until 2022.

“Look! the beanbags are free!”


Despite the brutal growth of tourism in the city, Martin Moniz still hadn’t begun to be used for business.


In 2018, NCS had got behind with the rent to the tune of €150,000 and left the scene. However, its CEO got together with members of some other property development companies and founded Moon Brigade. The new company renewed the contract with the council to install a new shopping centre in shipping containers.

The failed Fusion Marker transformed itself into Martim Moniz Market

[Hipster Containers]

The space would have private security and would be sealed off at night

In no time, protest movements arose and other ideas were put forward for the future of the square.

[We don’t want Martim Moniz rented out to private companies]

[Martim Moniz Gardens now!]

A movement was established to plant Martim Moniz Garden with the support of the inhabitants, neighbourhood associations and the parish council.

The owners of the joint venture reacted

“You want a garden? You’re crazy!”

“It’ll be a den of prostitution and drugs!”

“There’s a car park under the plaza. You can’t plan tanything!”

“This area is dangerous. Vandalism everywhere!”

“I have a lot of money invested here. You can’t annul the contract”

“I’m the one who’s bringing true social integration”


The municipal assembly stopped the project and grilled the president of the city council about the controversy

“That isn’t good or bad. It’s shit but it’s better than what was there before.”

“What is this going to become in the end?”

In 2019, 73 years after the first demolitions to make way for Martim Moniz Plaza, the interventions continue…”


* = The word “entulho” can mean an abundance but also seems to mean the rubble from demolition so this seems like it might be a pun…?

** = I think the words he uses are a bit more deprecatory than these simple descriptors but I’m not about to try and find english words with the same weight for fear of over-egging it.

*** = Portugal’s largest trade union federation: Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses

**** = No, I don’t know who that guy is either.

Posted in English


I don’t watch telly much so I never find out about these things till a decade after they air but this is really good

Posted in Portuguese

Lisboa – A Cidade Mais “Cool”

(This is old, old news, which I’ve had on my “stuff to write about” for over a year)

Lisboa permanece na lista de “18 melhores sítios para visitar em 2018” de CNN mas já não vi o anúncio de “cidade mais fixe” deste ano. Em 2014 e novamente em 2017, Lisboa ganhou essa honra. Havia 7 razões pela decisão:

  1. Os bares e restaurantes ficam abertos ainda mais tarde do que os de Madrid, e a vida nocturna é bastante gira
  2. Há tantos restaurantes e tascas onde se servem cozinhas interessantes*
  3. Há um grande sentido de ironia e melancolia. Citaram um dito de Fernando Pessoa “Tinha-me levantado cedo e tardava em preparar–me para existir”.
  4. Existem muitos sítios históricos tais como castelos, palácios e a Torre de Belém, mas além disso, também existem praias bonitas.
  5. Desde os pormenores dum rótulo duma garrafa de vinho até os edifícios mais altos, quase tudo em Lisboa mostra um estilo muito elegante.
  6. Há um património rico de arte, e museus em toda parte.
  7. Até as ruelas têm um ar fascinante. Dar um passeio através da cidade a ver as portas, as paredes e os azulejos é mesmo divertido

*=interesting cookings not interesting cooking



Posted in Portuguese

Interlude 3: Gentrificação e Turismo

É sempre fácil de esquecer que as forças que conduzem o crescimento e a mudança da nossa própria cidade agem em outras cidades porem toda parte. Por exemplo, notei ontem as diferenças entre as áreas de Lisboa onde há muitos turistas e onde não há nenhuns.
Algumas diferenças são positivas, claro: apartamentos, hotéis, lojas, tudo tinham sido renovados, mas outros aspectos na mudança são mais problemáticos. Por exemplo, sinais escritos em inglês*, lojas cheias de produtos horríveis, e há áreas da cidade onde o ambiente turístico fica tão chato que adivinho que um lisboeta não queira ir.
Os académicos que têm feito estudos da gentrificação dizem-nos que o processo dá benefícios a uma cidade, mas acho que, quando for acompanhado pelos turismos pode prejudicar o carácter da cidade. Neste caso a responsabilidade para evitar danos é com o governo local e com os turistas.


*=este frase foi disputada em italki. A minha resposta foi assim: Pode ser não queria dizer “sinais”. Estava a pensar em nomes da varias lojas, texto nas ementas e coisas deste tipo. Por exemplo, no meu blogue, mencionei este mercado, designado “Time Out Market” em vez de “Mercado da Ribeira” ou “Mercado do tempo a fora” ou qualquer nome portuguese.

time-out Alguns Lisboetas jantam lá, pois claro, mas parece um “tourist trap” e confesso que tomámos um almoço e um pequeno-almoço ali durante as nossas férias. Uma empregada disse me que uns clientes zangaram consigo porque não falou bem inglês. É normal que espaços deste tipo vai crescer numa cidade com muitas turistas, mas é saudável…? Hum….

Posted in Portuguese

Interlude 2: A Lavandaria

Muitas pessoas têm-me pedido* “Estimado Senhor Colin, conte-nos mais sobre a sua vida em Lisboa hoje em dia”
Então, eis a história da lavandaria.
Ora, não trouxemos muita roupa connosco no avião. Por isso, depois de três dias, as minhas calças tinham começado a cheirar mal. Não gosto de estar sujo, então fui à lavandaria perto do apartamento em Alcântra. Não tinha usado uma lavandaria desde que era estudante. Custou uma libra lavar as calças, cuecas e quaisquer outras coisas. Duas moedas de vinte “pence” fizeram ficar a roupa quase seca e depois voltei a casa para colocá-las nas costas da cadeira para terminar. Hoje em dia é mais complicado. Na lavandaria “Speed Queen” existe um ecrã para governar o movimento das máquinas lava-roupas, e o pagamento mínimo é de 3,50€ para lavar e o mesmo para secar. Coloquei um euro para o detergente e o processo inteiro custou 8€!

Se a lavandaria fosse tão caro quando era jovem eu teria comprado uma máquina de lavar roupa.



*uma mentira.

Posted in Portuguese

Interlude 1: Algures em Lisboa…

Enquanto ficamos em Lisboa, arrendamos um pequeno apartamento em Alcântara perto da ponte 25 de Abril. Tem apenas um quarto mas há também uma cama na sala de estar, debaixo do sofá (muito obrigado Ikea!)
As paredes são decoradas com colagens e decalques, e há muitos livros antigos nas prateleiras que dão um ar sofisticado ao espaço. Encontrámos uma cafeteira, um secador do cabelo, e um microondas mas, em contraste com um hotel, não há sabonete e quase não há papel higiénico. Não faz mal, existe um supermercado (o “pingo doce”) perto daqui.
A nossa senhoria parece simpática. Os seus prévios clientes deixaram notas de agradecimento afixadas no frigorífico.